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Sifrin told to put his comments in his pipe – and smoke them



Jack Miller, Johannesburg

Although I have always engendered a certain respect for him, last week’s “Risky politics of Netanyahu” made me overcome the temptation not to respond to this provocation and forced me, willy-nilly, to question his politics.

His statement on “Israeli settlement construction on Palestinian land” refers: Sifrin is no doubt an intelligent and knowledgeable correspondent who must be aware of the facts that the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate, and the United Nations overwhelmingly voted to establish a Jewish state, and mentioned the establishment of the country extending from “the river to the sea and from the Golan to the Gulf”. So, what Palestinian land?

Palestine does not actually exist as yet.

And then to assert that (President Donald) Trump is a pit bull, well, as far as I am concerned, rather a pit bull than the pet poodle that Obama proved to be in pandering to the Arabs, to Iran, the Muslims, mullahs, and the so-called Palestinians.

So, go stick that in your pipe and smoke it Mr Sifrin.

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  1. nat cheiman

    Feb 2, 2017 at 5:08 pm

    ‘With all the knowledge and information available, Mr Sifrin has an infatuation with taunting. Rest assured.

    He cannot be taken seriously’

  2. David B

    Feb 2, 2017 at 11:00 pm

    ‘what’s to question Jack ? — obviously you are not aware that if there are 10m Jews there will be 10m opinions — so put that in your pipe — whether you smoke it or not is up to you’

  3. Nick

    Mar 15, 2017 at 11:36 am

    ‘With all the knowledge and information available, Mr Sifrin has an infatuation with taunting. Rest assured.

    He cannot be taken seriously

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