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Creating a generation of givers
The overall objective is to bring families closer together, and to create an educational, engaging and enriching Torah-based learning experience.
This year’s Generation Sinai took place on Tuesday morning at Jewish schools and other non-denominational schools where they have a number of Jewish children. The theme was tzedakah.
Pre-grade and nursery school children read an illustrated storybook, A Jingle and a Jangle, that brought the idea of tzedakah to life for them. For primary school children, a fun card game was created. Unlike the game of Monopoly, the objective was not to amass money, but to give it away.
Here is what parents and a few school rabbis had to say about this year’s experience:
Nadine Ellis, Yeshiva College
“My husband and I took part with my nine-year-old and six-year-old. The questions were engaging and age-appropriate, and the event was well run.”
Taryn Gingell, KDL
“Everyone had fun and learnt something. The game was simple. Sometimes parents from less observant backgrounds are intimidated at the prospect of teaching their kids Torah. This was something any parent could facilitate.”
Sara Ress, Sinai Academy
“The game was easy to understand and a relatable, universal topic that someone from any background could appreciate. The kiddies book was also amazing.”
Rabbi Mendel Kievman, Torah Academy
“This year, I thought the material was particularly strong. It wasn’t lecturing to the kids, it was fun and interactive. I played the game with all four of my kids together.”
Nicki Wingerin, Herzlia Weizmann
“The game was easy for kids to grasp and easy for us to teach. The hall was full and parents were enthusiastic.”
Stacey Dembo, KDVP
“What a fantastic opportunity to connect with our children. All the kids got to choose between a Yad Aharon, Chevrah Kedisha or Hatzollah tzedakah tin – something practical to take home as an extension of what we learnt.”
Loren Pimstein, KDL
“I have a kid in Grade 2, Grade 5 and Grade 8 – and somehow they all enjoyed it! The classes were packed, the turnout was excellent, the vibe was great.”
Samantha Benatar, Phyllis Jowell Jewish Day School
“It was a great opportunity to spend precious time with my children discussing the central mitzvah of tzedakah.”
Leora Mofsowitz, Herzlia, Sinai Academy
“I have a child at Sinai Academy in Cape Town, where my husband had a great time. And my eldest daughter is at Herzlia Highlands in Grade 2. We have lit a nice fire at home and we are going to play the tzedakah game tonight!”
Rabbi Sean Cannon, head of Jewish life and learning for United Herzlia Schools
“We had an excellent turnout at all three Herzlia primary schools. I thought the game was an ingenious breakthrough this year – particularly that the parents and kids could be simultaneously engaged on the same content. They had a positive, authentic, engaging Jewish learning experience with their kids. The process of building our next generation of ‘little givers’ is under way.”