
Shavuot Listing
Cape Town
Beit Midrash Morasha
Dinner | 19 May | 18:00
Guest speaker: Rabbi Professor Adam Ferziger
Cost: Adults R180 | Students R125 | Children (under 12) R70
Learning | 19 May | from 22:00
Contact: info@morasha.co.za | 021 434 8680
Claremont Wynberg Hebrew Congregation
Dinner | 19 May | 18:30
High school learners’ debate at dinner and children’s programmes throughout Shavuot
Guest speaker: Harry Amdurer
Cost: R160
Learning | 19 May
Guest speakers: Harry Amdurer and Rabbi Liebenberg
Contact: marion@clarewynshul.co.za | 021 671 9007
Constantia Hebrew Congregation
Dinner | 19 May | 18:00
Guest speaker: Member of the congregation
Cost: Adults R200 | Children (under 12) R100
Learning | 19 May | after dinner
Programme: Quizzes, stories and games for kids; speakers, quizzes and learning for adults
Contact: office@constantiashul.co.za | 021 713 1818
Durbanville Bellville
Dinner | 19 May | 19:15
Maariv service (conducted by Raymond Klitzner) followed by a dinner
Cost: Free
No learning
Contact: mallach@mweb.co.za | 021 949 9073
Marais Road Shul
Dinner | 19 May | 19:00
Guest speaker: Dr Simcha Leibovitch (scholar-in-residence)
Cost: R275
Contact: kerry@maraisroadshul.com | 021 439 7543
Milnerton Hebrew Congregation
Dinner | 19 May | 19:20
Cost: Adults & children (over 12 years) R160 | Children (5-12 years) R120 | Children (under 5) free
Learning | 19 May | 21:00
Contact: office@milnertonshul.co.za | 021 552 4285
Ohr Somayach
Dinner | 18 May | 18:00
Pre-Shavuos Shabbos banquet with Merle Rubin and guest singing sensation Shmuli Brill
Cost: Adults R275 | Children R120 | Students free
Pecha Kucha Torah Shmooze Bites and Nosh Bar, and candle-lit Kumzitz with Shmuli Brill | 19 May | 21:30
Cost: Free
Contact: awesome@ohrsom.co.za | 021 434 6772
Umhlanga Jewish Centre
Dinner | 19 May | 18:00
Cost: R180
Learning | 19 May | after dinner
Shiur and Kiddush | 20 May | 11:00
Youth lunch (with Bnei Akiva) | 20 May | 12:00
Shiur and Kiddush | 21 May | 11:00
Contact: admin@umhlangajewishcentre.co.za | 031 566 3227
Aish Hatorah
Learning | 19 May | 22:15 to 06:00
Guest speakers: Rabbi Ziskin, Rabbi Kauffman, Rabbi Vegoda, Rabbi Willis, Rabbi Pilatowsky, Menachem Mendel Goldblatt, Rabbi Karpes and Rabbi Schnerb
Women’s shiur | 21 May | 11:45
Guest speaker: Rebbetzin Debbie Seeff
Men’s shiur | 21 May | 11:45
Guest speaker: Rabbi Ziskin
Contact: office@aish.org.za | 011 485 2985
Chabad of Fourways
Learning | 19 May | 21:00
Dairy lunch and kids’ entertainment | 20 May | 09:15
Cost: Free
Contact: yael@chabadfourways.org | 082 870 0880
Chabad of Strathavon
Dinner | 19 May | 19:00
Guest speakers: Talia Isaacs and Ian Levitt
Cost: Adult R250 | Children (5-12 years) R100
Learning | 19 May | 22:00
Guest speaker: Uri Marks
Kids ice-cream party | 20 May | 10:00
Dairy brocha | 20 May | 11:30
Contact: jewishsandton@gmail.com | 011 326 6492
Chabad’s Goodness & Kindness Centre – Sandton Central Shul
Learning All Night @ Sinai Learnathon | 19 May
Reading of the 10 Commandments, and sundaes | 20 May | 10:30
Yizkor and brocha | 21 May | 11:30
Cost: Free
Contact: rak@chabad.org.za | 079 434 1293
Chassidim Shul
Dinner | 19 May | 19:00
Cost: Adults R390 | Children (11 years and under) R75
Learning | 19 May | 23:30
Contact: chassidimshul@gmail.com | 071 464 0871
Great Park Shul
Dinner | 19 May | 19:30
Guest speaker: Julian Katz
Cost: Adults R250 | Children (under 10) R70 | Children (under 5) free
Learning | 19 May | The Brasg Family Home
Contact: greatpark@greatpark.co.za | 011 728 8152
Greenside Shul
Dinner | 19 May | 18:15
Guest speaker: Danny Adeno Abebe
Cost: R190
Contact: info@greensideshul.co.za | 011 788 5036
Linksfield Senderwood Hebrew Congregation
Lunch | 20 May
Guest speaker: Mandy Yachad
Cost: Adults R120 | Children (under 13) R150
Contact: office@linkshul.co.za | 011 640 5812
Northfield Shul
Dinner | 19 May | 19:00
Guest speaker: Rabbi Desmond Maizels
Cost: Adults R150 | Children (under 12) R100
Contact: hendler@hendleronline.co.za | 061 975 8437
Ohr Somayach Savoy
Learning | 19 May
Men and boys’ all-night learning and women’s programme until midnight
Breakfast | 20 May | 11:00
Cost: R180
Contact: office@ohrsavoy.co.za | 011 440 6192
Sandton Shul
Dinner | 19 May | 19:00
Guest speakers: Bonang Mohale and Rabbi Gideon Pogrund
Cost: Adults R360 | Children (6-12) R150 | Children (under 6) free
Contact: davidshaw@sandtonshul.co.za | 011 883 4210
Sunny Road Kehilla
Shiurim | 19 May | 21:30 to midnight
Guest speakers: Chief Rabbi Goldstein, Rabbi Kacev and Rabbi Seeff
Learning | 20 May | 12:00
Speaker: Rabbi Sackstein
Neitz Minyan | 20 May | 05:30
Contact: rabbidrs@gmail.com | 083 658 5935
Sydenham Highlands North
Dinner | 19 May | 19:00
Guest speaker: Howard Feldman
Cost: Adults R250 | Children (under 12) R100
Book online www.sydshul.co.za
Learning “Sleepless in Sydenham” | 19 May | 22:30 to 05:00
Guest speakers: Howard Sackstein, David Saks, Howard Feldman, Rabbi Yossy Goldman, Rabbi Yehuda Stern, Rabbi Eliezer Auerbach, Dani Kedar, Rabbi Levi Ulman and Rabbi Mendel Teitlebaum
Children’s programme | 20 May
Cost: Free
Contact: sydshul@sydshul.co.za | 011 640 5021
The Base
Dinner | 19 May | 19:00
Guest speaker: Rabbi Doniel Katz
Cost: Adults R150 | Children R75 | Children (under 4) free
Book online www.thebase.nutickets.co.za
Learning | 19 May | 21:00 to 05:30
Ladies’ breakfast | 20 May | 09:45
Guest speaker: Rabbi Doniel Katz
Cost: Free
Contact: sunnyroadbase@gmail.com
Victory Park
Learning | 19 May | 20:45
Lunch | 20 May
Guest speaker: Danny Adeno Abebe
Cost: Adults R130 | Children (under 12) R60
Contact: vpshul@telkomsa.net | 011 782 5247
Waverley Shul
Dinner | 19 May
Cost: R220
Learning | 19 May | after dinner
Breakfast | 20 May | 10:30
Guest speaker: Robyn Shani
Cost: R100
Contact: office@waverleyshul.co.za | 011 786 0438
West Street Shul
Dinner | 19 May | 19:15
Speaker: Rabbi Ryan Goldstein
Cost: Adults R200 | Children R120
Learning | 19 May | after dinner
Contact: faye@kaplan.co.za | 082 446 9264
Yeshiva College Campus
Dinner |19 May | 19:00
Guest speaker: Rabbi Sam Thurgood
Cost: Adults R260 | Children R120 | Children (attending pizza party) R60
Children’s pizza party with supervised activities in a separate venue
Learning | 19 May | 21:30
Contact: belinda@mizrachi.org.za/shul@yeshivacollege.co.za | 011 485 3624/011 640 5061
Port Elizabeth
PE Hebrew Congregation
Learning and chevrutah | 19 May
Contact: pehc@mweb.co.za | 041 373 1332
Bet David
Evening service: 19 May
Guest speaker: Danny Adeno Abebe will give a talk, “From Ethiopia to Israel”. A cheesecake competition follows the Shavuot service on Sunday. At the service Bet David will be celebrating the Adult Bnei Mitzvah of Hester Hollander and Theresa Sobel.
Contact: Glynnis 011 783 7117
Beit Emanuel
Cheesecake competition follows the Erev Shavuot service.
Contact: Russell on 011 646 6170 for details on the Tikkun Leil programme.
Bet Menorah – Baileys Muckleneuk
Cheesecake competition follows the Erev Shavuot service. A service will be held on Shavuot morning.
Contact: Johan on 012 460 7296.
Durban Progressive Jewish Congregation
The Erev Shavuot service will be followed by a Bring and Share dinner. A service will be held on Shavuot morning.
Contact: 031 337 9858
Port Elizabeth
Temple Israel Port Elizabeth
We are celebrating Shavuot with any friends or visitors. Come and enjoy cheesecake and ice cream. We look forward to welcoming you to our synagogue.
Contact: 041 373 6642
Cape Town
Temple Israel Green Point
Saturday 19 May at 18:00.
Tikkun Leil, all-night study. Discussions on Israel and a parachute debate. Cheesecake competition and dinner. Guest speakers and more.
Contact: 021 434 8901