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The Israel Quiz is renamed in honour of Shimon Peres




The Israel Quiz has been running for 16 years and is a joint programme sponsored by the Israel Centre and SA Zionist Federation, and participants from all Jewish schools are represented and invited to join each year.

This year, the quiz finals fell on September 28, which marks the first yahrzeit (Born August 2, 1923) of the former Israeli President Shimon Peres (2007 – 2014).

Peres was the last member of Israel’s founding generation; he was a visionary statesman, a noble soldier, a born leader, and a uniquely talented diplomat.

However, more significantly, Shimon Peres was one of the essential living examples of an unshakable belief in the pursuit of peace against all odds. His commitment to peace and progress was relentless, and always ensured that he surrounded himself with bright men and women who would challenge him.

We felt it would be a fitting tribute to this giant, to rename the Israel Quiz, the “Shimon Peres Israel Quiz”.

In this way we hope to perpetuate his memory and his deep love and commitment to the Jewish State, keeping our youth connected to his values and legacy. The Quiz will also be expanded in 2018 and be launched in Cape Town and KwaZulu-Natal.

On behalf of the SAZF and Israel Centre, we would like to congratulate all the students and their teachers who participated in this year’s Quiz. It was by no means an easy task and shows their unbelievable commitment to Zionist education as the contestants were tested on all facets of Israel, including history, politics, current events and debating skills.

With important events such as this, the legacy of Shimon Peres will continue to thrive, keeping the spirit of the Israel he dreamed he could build, alive.


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