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Working with paradox part #2



Cutting our coats according to our cloth


We want to do the very best for our residents and clients; to spare no expense and give them the most comfortable beds; Tempur mattresses and the softest line;, to finance every surgery and provide trailblazing treatments; offer the best cuts of meat, caviar (kosher) and imported salmon; pay for every person who needs rehab and for every child who needs remedial education. Imagine how great it would be not to have to charge residential and funeral fees at all? 

That’s what we would like to do. But the reality is vastly different.

In truth, we can’t do what we want any more than any average family can. Every household has to budget: how much money is needed for rent, school fees, electricity, petrol, food, clothing, medical aid, staff-– the list is long.  

The Chev is no different in that way. We just do it on a much larger scale and also have to plan longer-term because most of our “children” won’t leave home, get jobs and become self-supporting at any stage. And hopefully your households don’t rely on donations, as ours does.

We must walk a fine line and make best use of our resources to achieve stability and sustainability for the community’s future generations, while simultaneously offering a high standard of care.

This paradox is felt in all areas, but acutely when it comes to our advertising spend. Ask any entrepreneur – advertising pays! The more you do, the more attention and business you’re likely to attract, provided you do it right.

The Chev must advertise because it brings in badly-needed donations, reminding people that we’re here and that we need help to help others. The better our ads, the better the response.   

But how much is too much? And when, as with soft linen and caviar, does it become irresponsible? 

Our carefully thought-through solution is to allocate a tiny percentage of our monthly budget to advertising and to stay within those confines. In fact, we spend less than 0,3% on advertising. That’s why you may not see us in every publication. I hope you would challenge others to do likewise.

More is not always better. What’s better is to cut our coats according to our cloth.

May our partnership continue to thrive!


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