
Sydenham completes a book of Talmud
This shiur has unusual longevity, having been taught by Goldman to Sydenham Shul members every Tuesday night at his home for more than 30 years. For just as long, Rebbetzin Rochel has been entertaining her weekly guests with her famous chocolate chip cookies after the shiur. Many books have been completed, and much wisdom of our sages has been passed down to generations of students, including lawyers, advocates, even a judge of the high court.
The guest speaker on Tuesday was Rabbi Dayan Gidon Fox of Pretoria, and the newest dayan (judge) on the Johannesburg Beth Din. Rabbi Osher Feldman brought greetings from Cape Town, and shared a short but very relevant vort (word). Russell Kilov delivered an impressive dissertation on behalf of the students, and Goldman did the official concluding siyum (completion), followed by a special kaddish (blessing).
In its never-ending quest for wisdom, the class will now move on to the challenges of Bava Metziyah, specifically the chapters focusing on fairness in trade and commerce, usury, and labour law.
“I’m very proud of the success of this particular shiur,” said Goldman. “Most shiurim don’t last for more than three decades. I’m not sure if they come for my teaching or Rochel’s baking, but they keep coming, and we are honoured and gratified.”